This is a sample summary for the recipe.
Ingredients . . .
3 mixed sweet peppers
3 large tomatoes
6 mushrooms
425gms (15oz) vegetarian haggis
2 tablespoons of tomato puree
Vegetable oil
Method . . .
Halve and de-seed peppers, destalk mushrooms, cut top from tomatoes, scoop out (keep and set aside).
Place scooped out tomato in food processor with puree, pass through sieve after mixing and spoon blend with haggis.
Fill peppers, tomatoes and mushrooms with mixture.
Brush with vegetable oil and cover with tin foil before baking in oven at 200ºC (390ºF).
Bake peppers for 1 hour, and tomatoes and mushrooms for 30 minutes.
Ann Stahly
Stahly Family Recipe from Stahly Quality Foods, Fife, Scotland.