If ye wish her gratefu’ prayer
Gie her a haggis
Robert Burns – Address to a Haggis
The Only Whole Haggis In A Tin
A traditional Scottish product, easily transported and having a long shelf life without refrigeration.
As our haggis has been consumed in all five continents, this is an important point for many travellers and haggis connoisseurs.
Haggis is no longer a product only to be enjoyed once a year at a Burns Supper but is available all year round in many countries across the globe.
Stahly Quality Foods have been supplying award winning haggis around the world since 1994.
The Stahly family name has been associated with quality food since 1923 when Fred Stahly, Snr. first opened his butcher shop in Kirkcaldy High Street in Fife. Grandson, Ken Stahly, joined the family business in 1975, later taking over the running of the factory where he developed the unique concept of producing tinned haggis in a skin.