The Haggis took to the Inca Trail to see Machu Picchu in September 2013.
Stahly Haggis in Mongolia – July 2013
The Scientific Exploration Society took a team to Mongolia in July 2013 with the aim of riding on horseback into a remote mountainous area near the Mongolia/Russia border to aid a little visited group, known as the Reindeer people. Along the way the team was to distribute books to needy village schools and give out reading glasses. Read More
Stahly Haggis in Amazonian Ecuador – September 2012
Today the Waorani people of Amazonian Ecuador are increasingly threatened by Western ways and diseases. In many areas their water systems have been polluted by crude oil and chemicals thanks to irresponsible oil drilling. Roads cut into their hunting grounds have been populated by colonistas and people of other tribes eagerly seeking land. Read More